"Do a blog!" they said.
"Who? Me? You have to be kidding!"
"It'll be a good way of people hearing about your passions, and what you do as an educational leader. Like an online journal. You need to share more, and to celebrate!"
"Really? Is this really me? Will it help me to change things for the better, and to open up the conversation?"
"You'll never know if you don't try! It'll be good for you!" they said. "Oh, and don't do your usual and write too much!"
"Oh, ok!"

So, why 'The Singing CEO'?
Well - it is what I do... though not (always) in my day to day working life - I don't quite live in 'La La Land' (though I suspect that there are some who may disagree!) Music is, and always has been, an essential part of my life - it is what drew me into teaching - it is what has sustains me through the good, the bad and the tough times. It is my go-to for down-time... Music (and the creative arts) is the greatest leveller, and life-skill provider. It is collaborative, and builds individual confidence; it is mutual, yet enables open conversation about 'likes' and 'dislikes'; it is disciplined, but enables the freedom to explore; it is inclusive (when used openly); expressive... it touches the heart, memory and soul of everyone in some way - whether we want it to or not! Music and creativity are everywhere and, whether consciously or unconsciously, are part of everyone's life experiences.
Imagine a world without art, drama, music, creativity...! These areas are increasingly being eroded in the curriculum and in our schools replaced, along with much needed vocational studies, with a tighter focus on the academics of education and focus on exam and test outcomes. If these disappear over time and continue to be undervalued, we may not have to imagine that world for much longer... but more of that later!
Sit my passion for music and creativity alongside my passion for ensuring that learning meets the needs of all children, young people and adults in the most effective way and you'll be able to see that a) shared creative pedagogy sits at the heart of my philosophy for learning; b) I can (possibly) be overly enthusiastic, and very honest(!); and c) I have a drive to work with like-minded people and organisations to seek to make a difference - to explore how we best provide for all children and young people in our learning institutions; and how we can really make curriculum work for all.
This blog is intended to open up a conversation; to build community; to challenge; to professionally agree and disagree; and, to open up a debate about how we do this all better. Through it I intend to share stories, research and 'think pieces' that will hopefully prompt others to do something different in practice... and if I can offer a little light, and maybe raise a smile now and then - then this blog will have it the mark.
I should also say that, whilst I may share discussions that relate to our work in our family of schools, the views and discussions represented in these blogs are my own and shouldn't be taken as representative of the Trust.
"Have you started your blog yet?"
"Here it is... let's see where this goes?"

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