A movement and forum that focuses on School and Trust Senior Leader’s wellbeing and connectedness. At a time when the pressures on our most senior leaders in education continue to rise, and without any mechanism to support their well-being, physical and mental health –
Thrive seeks to provide a safe and confidential place to connect Senior Leaders, to build coaching and facilitating relationships, and a forum where leaders can ‘offload and ask’ without fear of judgement, and where an network of leaders can provide informal support and guidance to keep one another ‘afloat’.
Cost, cannot and must not be a limiting factor in ensuring that our leaders are looked-after, supported and have a place to turn to – not just when they need it, but as a regular part of their practice and working week. We will continue to lobby for funding for leaders to get the support and development that they are both entitled to, and need to continue to grow and to thrive in their roles and leaders of education for the future.
Initially we will trial using the Podia Community Forum online space which will give us a secure area in which to build our community and discussions. Leaders will be able to request access and membership via the website.
Interested in being part of the pilot group for Thrive? Contact us through the Contact form and we'll be back in touch. Thank you.